Stop Child Labour : Theme, Quotes, Posters and Activities

             Stop Child Labour


My dear friends today we are going to discuss on a very different topic. 

   "Child Labour a Poison for Evolution "

A tears of small child who is playing a role of a Labour

Please read and Understand his problem:

As you all know that after coming in this world I think that I have come in heaven and from today my new life is started and I have very different thinking, I have different heart from others and I will enjoy my life in this world and I will also live a very beautifull life which is made by my dear God who has sent me here and one thing also I want to tell that before coming here my God had told me that go and enjoy your life no one can stop you. 

I had very large emotion I also wanted to live like everyone I also wanted to laugh like everyone I also wanted to a freedom life like everyone I also wanted to enjoy full life like everyone I also wanted to a independent life like everyone. I wanted to live life with my feelings. 

I also had a big desires to improve my life and why  I will not have desires? 

This is my life and I am a owner of this life I want to live my life in my own world and I never give anyone to any right to disturb my child life. 

Why these child labour come in only poverty family? and why child labour situations face only by poor people? 

Lack of meaningful alternatives, such as affordable schools and quality education, according to ILO is another major factor driving children to harmful labour. Children work because they have nothing better to do. Many communities, particularly rural areas where between 60–70% of child labour is prevalent, do not possess adequate school facilities. Even when schools are sometimes available, they are too far away, difficult to reach, unaffordable or the quality of education is so poor that parents wonder if going to school is really worth it.

In European history when child labour was common, as well as in contemporary child labour of modern world, certain cultural beliefs have rationalised child labour and thereby encouraged it. Some view that work is good for the character-building and skill development of children. In many cultures, particular where the informal economy and small household businesses thrive, the cultural tradition is that children follow in their parents' footsteps; child labour then is a means to learn and practice that trade from a very early age. Similarly, in many cultures the education of girls is less valued or girls are simply not expected to need formal schooling, and these girls pushed into child labour such as providing domestic services.

"Childhood for enjoyment

Childhood for playing

Why you want to crush their lives

Under your feet

Why you want to give them tears

Don’t they have their dreams

They are not for earning money

Don’t ruin their childhood

Sweet like honey

How you can be so rude

Don’t you like kid’s happy childhood

Never give them hammer

Their life for pen and paper

And my dream is to stop child labor

Hopeful eyes, happy smiles

Soft hands, million dreams

Is this not the identity of a child?

Then why do i see

Tear filled eyes, terrified faces

Rough hands, and shattered dreams

It’s like they don’t know how we feel

Because our age doesn’t seem that real

But we feel more pain than they do
And for what they’re doing

They should be sued
We are sick of doing this everyday

Stop child labour

So what we’re saying is not just noise

If you had a heart

You’d hear a voice

And stop child labour"

If we wish to eradicate child labour, we need to formulate some very effective solutions which will save our children. It will also enhance the future of any country dealing with these social issues. To begin with, one can create a number of unions that solely work to prevent child labour. It should help the children indulging in this work and punishing those who make them do it.

 If we make education free and the people aware, we will be able to educate more and more children who won’t have to do child labour. Moreover, making people aware of the harmful consequences of child Labour is a must.

In addition, family control measures must also be taken. This will reduce the family’s burden so when you have lesser mouths to feed, the parents will be enough to work for them, instead of the children. In fact, every family must be promised a minimum income by the government to survive.

In short, the government and people must come together. Employment opportunities must be given to people in abundance so they can earn their livelihood instead of putting their kids to work. The children are the future of our country; we cannot expect them to maintain the economic conditions of their families instead of having a normal childhood.

Really! A small child who is working as a Labour that child face very difficulty and we all should think and feel like they are our children and help them and take first step to end this Child Labour Mesh. 

Thankyou to read this. 

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