World Picnic Day : Wishes, Thoughts, Status and Theme

       World Picnic Day

Hello my dear friends! 
Welcome on the Picnic platform  today we are ready to go in the Picnic world and this 18 june  never repeat in the whole year so we have to enjoy it and make fun. 

As we all know we were facing many difficulties in COVID 19 situations and this Corona has created many problem for us we could not go outside from home and could not wonder outside and now also I do not think that situations has completely changed so that we can do anything which we want to do so we have to be aware and we have to enjoy our day in some limitations. 

Why you should go for fun and Picnic with your family


 Family bonding 

Going on a picnic allows you to focus on your kids without distractions. Picnics are the perfect opportunity to make your kids feel loved and heard. Plus, you never know what you might learn from your kids. A little family competition playing picnic games will also help your family bond and always love your family

  Mental health improvement

The fresh air does wonders for your child’s mental health. Spending time outside is shown to reduce levels of anxiety and lower levels of activity in the parts of our brains related to mental illness. Time in the sunshine is also related to improved mood and reduced stress levels for the whole family.

Physical health improvement

Time outside benefits our physical health. Breathing in fresh air is beneficial for children with respiratory problems like asthma and spending a beautifull time with our lovely family members create happiness with us and make us to live stay positive always. A picnic on a sunny day also aids in vitamin D and calcium absorption, which helps to build strong bones and teeth and helps prevent diseases like osteoporosis and rickets. Just don’t forget the sunblock when spending time in the sun! 

 Changing in behavior 

It turns out eating with your kids, such as a picnic lunch, leads to better behavior. Children that eat family meals are less likely to partake in risky behaviors like smoking and drinking and with this you also feel better in behaviour and you feel improvement in yourself. This benefit also translates to academic performance—children that eat with their families tend to have higher grades than those who don’t.If your child has been testing your limits, try including more family picnics this summer.

 Self-reflection time 

Parents and children alike can benefit from meditation and self-reflection. Picnics are relatively peaceful environments that encourage these introspective behaviors. It’s important to give children time to be alone and learn about themselves through self-reflection, which can easily be done on a picnic.


Picnics are fun, but now you know that picnics are also great for your family. Head out this National Picnic Month and soak up all the benefits that picnics have to offer.

Family Bonding Activities

There are many family bonding activities that can help build closeness among family members without requiring much time or preparation. Bonding as a family can be quick and simple, and most of the time, not require anyone to even leave home.

Movie Night with Family

Have a weekly family movie night at home. You can rent a movie or choose one from your home collection. Ask each person what movie they would like to see and give each person a chance to choose one of their favorites. To complement your movie night, serve popcorn and candy to make it feel as if you are at the movies.

Play as a Volunteer

Volunteering together not only strengthens the family bond, but can also demonstrate the importance of giving back to the community. Some volunteer ideas that are ideal for families are serving meals at a shelter, picking a family to help during the holidays through Angel Tree or a similar project, or participating in a charity walk.

Play Games

Board Games can bring tons of laughter and fun to your family bonding time. Game night can bring out the inner child in everyone. Some board games to consider playing are Monopoly, Pictionary and Trivia Pursuit. Create a family game collection and take turns picking out a game to play.

Games that can played on the Wii or Play Station are other options to consider. Also consider going outdoors and playing a game such as basketball or catch. Exercise can be a part of family fun and offers everyone benefits.

Spend Time with Sunset

If your kids are older, planning a walk at sunset is a fun way to spend time together. If possible, choose an elevated location from which you can see the sun's descent, or for the ultimate sunset experience, opt for a west-coast beach.

Looking Beautifull Birds

Bird watching is an ideal way to get the whole family outdoors and involved. Buy a field journal to help identify birds and keep a family log of all the birds you spot or take or draw pictures and start a family bird-watching scrapbook complete with images.

Spend the day outdoors capturing the beauty of nature through a lens. Visit a nature preserve, walk the streets of your city, or find farm life and capture images of what you see. Later, you can develop these pictures and turn them into a beautiful book of memories for all to enjoy.

This is life and life come one time in whole time so enjoy it and this Picnic time will not repeat again take benifit of this time and enjoy. 

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