Reasoning Test-Tricks : Coming best questions of last years

           Reasoning Test-Tricks : Coming best questions of last years


The subject-matter and coverage of the verbal section can be broadly organised under 24-25 major heads. However, this classification is not exclusive and it is generally observed that some of the questions can be classified under two or three heads reasonably.

 The questions on Verbal section are meant to test the reasoning ability of the candidates rather than intelligent quotient. Intelligence itself is a complex characteristic. No extra quality is needed for solving questions in Verbal section. It is futile to develop a fear psychosis over such questions. Since questions are asked from diverse fields, it may be difficult to gain expertise over each and every type of questions.However,with comprehensive practice, one can certainly train the mind to acquire adequate skills to tackle a majority of these questions.

Spend sufficient time in getting the crux of the problem before attempting the questions. Since most of the questions employ complicated and confusing language, it is prudent to use visual support for better and quicker understanding. Supposedly, one can draw a rough sketch to expedite the comprehension process. Getting the facts of the questions on paper may take a few more minutes but once  the intricacies are well understood, answering becomes simpler and faster.

In reasoning questions, resorting to guess work or working backwards by eliminating the options may not always work. Try not to adopt these techniques since chances of success are slim. One may only end up misusing precious time.
Verbal reasoning incorporates in itself the properties like skill in language and the capacity to infer something logically : reasoned thinking or reasoned conclusion which must be valid.

The key to Verbal Reasoning is to arrive at thoughtful and logically convincing conclusion on the basis of information provided in the questionitself.Though in few questions rules of logic are employed to work out the solution but a major chunk of questions requires proper and systematic approach which can be attained by developing the spirit of enquiry and thinking on the basis  of something which can support your view beyond a reasonable doubt. The questions pertaining to analytical reasoning require the knowledge and understanding of some basic rules of logic while other types of questions can be solved by following stepwise procedure. However, the most important fact still remains unresolved?

How can one solve all the questions correctly within the ambit of stipulated time?

While discussing the way to solve most of such questions, wew shall seek the answer to this basic question.In this context we come by the word correctly which evokes much sensation and commands extra consideration. 

The questions usually remain complex and options confusing or rather fairly close,every option seems to be correct from one or the other point of view. But bare truth is that only one is correct in all the respects or that one is correct in all the respects or that one is more preferable in comparison to others. 

In finding such an option a cautious approach consisting of systematic steps are needed. But again, that process may be lengthy one, which should not be stuck to for quicker solution.

Taking into account all these facts and the difficulties which may come to fore while solving reasoning questions in the exam,we have prepared the present synopsis on Verbal Reasoning.

The present synopsis will show you how to start your preparation for reasoning test paper and also what is worth reading. 

The following discussion on verbal reasoning is a synopsis and as such it  cannot be taken as a complete guidebook. It is probable that you may get confused at any stage of the discussion or your spirit of enquiry may not be satisfied fully.

We are aware of the fact and therefore, we cannot leave you in bewilderness as we are your true preceptors. Each chapter has been dealt with in such a manner that the confusion area can be warded off completely. 

We have left no stone unturned while writing the texts and we hope, after going through the book your notion about the verbal reasoning will certainly transform and you can solve every type of questions quite comfortably.

The best approach to perform better in verbal reasoning section is to scrupulously follow instructions, identify the root of the problem and to work with a cool and cautious mind, instead of rushing to answer choices one should ponder over the situation question for a few seconds, develop an insight into what is being asked and then try to work out the question. There remains invariably one key aspect to every question which needs to be identified. The faster one can do it, the better it is.

Questions in reasoning test paper are designed ot be speed brakers. Spending undue time on a single question may affect performance in other test papers. In case you feel the question, skip it and come back later, may be confusing and misleading in language, coming back to them with a make the exercise much simpler and easy to solve. Do not ever get emotionally attached to a particular problem. On most occasions we make it an ego issue to solve a particular tricky question, but that does not help us given the stringent time constraints.


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