Environmental security and plastic waste pollution- Plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

Environmental security and plastic waste pollution- Plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world


O my God!
This is really  a very  common  topic and very  dangerous  topic and very  interesting  topic  also.
Everyone  is discuss on this topic  because  this Plastic Problem  is developing day by day and plastic is also developing  everyday in the whole  world.

All of us wants that  our nature and world could be completely plastic  free but now also very less solutions we have.

What we can do! Without  plastic  have we any other option? Which item can be replaced on the place of plastic  which will give us that all facilities  that we take from plastic  is this  possible? 

We all know  that there are many more benefits of plastic but with many disadvantages also.
So today we any you  friend is going to discuss on these all topics  and try to find the solution of plastic  and make a plastic free world.

It’s great time to create a Plastic Bag Free World!

The International Plastic Bag Free Day is a unique opportunity to spread the word that a plastic bag free world is possible and that sound environmental alternatives to single use plastic bags are available.

International Plastic Bag Free Day is celebrated on 3rd of july every year which dedicated to heightening awareness about these and very real and pressing issues brought about by this most popular of disposable carrying devices. We are reminded that those bags we pick up from the retailers are used for an incredibly short time, usually under 25 minutes, and are then disposed of. They may pass out of our thinking then, but they do not pass out of our world. Plastic bags remain in the world for anywhere from 100-500 years before finally decaying completely, and have a profound impact upon our environment as a result. Drug Abuse and Addiction: Effects on coming Youth
The international Plastic Bag Free Day is a campaign aiming at raising environmental awareness among the general public about waste, cleanliness, and the effects of abandoning waste in the environment. Volunteers organize an action in a nature site that has been polluted by illegal dumping or washed-up waste at costs or river or lake sides.

Let's understand that what is Plastics made from? 

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

These are two different types of plastic: 1.Synthetic 

Bio Plastics

Bio-based plastics are made from renewable materials like vegetable fats, vegetable oils, carbohydrates, starch, bacteria and other biological substances. Some of these are compostable and some are not, but that’s another post.

Synthetic Plastics

Synthetic Plastics in a wide range in this world and semi-synthetic materials that use polymers as a main ingredient. Their plasticity makes it possible for plastics to be moulded, extruded or pressed into solid objects of various shapes. This adaptability, plus a wide range of other properties, such as being lightweight, durable, flexible, and inexpensive to produce, has led to its widespread use. Plastics typically are made through human industrial systems. Most modern plastics are derived from fossil fuel-based chemicals like natural gas or petroleum; however, recent industrial methods use variants made from renewable materials, such as corn or cotton derivatives. 

What is Plastic in easy word? 

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

plastic is a  that kind of material that can change its shape very easily. There are very different kind of things are made of plastics, usually because making them to the right shape is easy. Most of the materials that are called plastic are polymers. Polymers are long chains of atoms bonded to each other.

How is plastic harmful?

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

1.Trade routes

2.Coastline geography


4.Ocean currents

5.Urban life

6.The bad is for environment is plastic stays around for hundreds of years and threatens wildlife as well as  spreading toxins.

7.Plastics increase the level of global warming and it change the climate also.

8.Plastic is made by petroleum oil which is not sustainable. Oil is a non renewable fossil fuel which pollutes our air.

9. A big quantity of water wastes in the making of Plastics.

10. A Plastic bottle takes at least 450 years in decomposing which is dangerous.

11.Toxic chemicals are found in the blood and tissue of nearly all of us. Exposure to them is linked to cancers, birth defects, impaired immunity, endocrine disruption and other ailments.

12.Plastic spoils our groundwater.

13.Wildlife become entangled in plastic, they eat it by mistake and take it for food and feed it to their young, and it is found littered in even extremely remote areas of the Earth.

14.Plastics disturb our food chain also. And there is more harmful effects of Plastic.

Celebrate Picnic with your family.

What are the seven types of Plastic? And which Plastic is safe? 

1.Polyethylene Terephthalate (PET)

 Soda bottle or peanut butter jar it's a PET container, according to the Sea Studios Foundation. These containers are light-weight, clear and smooth in texture and intended for single use only.

This is one of the most easily recycled plastic varieties, PET is used for water or soda bottles, detergent containers and peanut butter jars. And there is not any health issues or concerns associated with this plastic

2.High-Density Polyethylene (HDPE)

HDPE is safe products and making this plastic a low health risk variety, according to Chemical Safety Facts.

This plastic is used for milk or water jugs, laundry detergents and shampoo bottles. Like PET, HDPE is a single-use container and should be properly recycled after use. Typically, these containers are either recycled back into new containers or converted into plastic lumber, pipes, rope or toys. 

3.Polyvinyl Chloride (PVC or V)

This produce harmful chemicals like lead, DEHA and dioxins on the time of manufacturing, disposal or destruction. 

Exposure to these chemicals may lead to decreased birth weight, learning or behavioral problems in children or hormone disruption. 

4.Low-Density Polyethelene (LDPE)

This kind of Plastics are generally safe plastic variety that has no known health risks associated with use but in manufacturing of LDPE does produce organic pollutants, causing potential harm to the environment. 

5.Polypropelene (PP)

This Plastics never produce harmful chemicals into foods or liquids and there is not any known health issues with this Plastics. Typically, this plastic is transluscent or opaque in color and has a high melting point, which typically makes these containers microwave or dishwasher safe, according to Chemical Safety Facts. 

6.Polystyrene (PS)

Styrene is a this type of chemical that can be released by polystyrene, which may act as a neurotoxin over time and it has shown harmful effects on red-blood cells, the liver, kidney and stomach organs of animals. 
Styrene can be absorbed by food and stored in body fat once ingested. 


This type of Plastics is constructed with a mixed variety of other plastics. Normally mixed plastics are practically impossible to recycle and pose the most potential health hazards. 

What is the most dangerous Plastics? 

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

1. Plastic Cutlery.
2. Plastic Straws and Drink Stirrers.
3. Plastic Fruit and Vegetable Bags.
4. Balloons and Balloon Sticks.
5. Plastic Bottles and Lids.
6. Plastic Takeaway Containers.
7. Polystyrene Containers and Products.
8. Plastic Lined Coffee Cups and Lids.

You have to improve yourself in life so that No-one could heart you. 

What is the biggest source of Plastic waste? 

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

1.Food Wrappers & Containers (31.14% of pollution in environment. 
2.Bottle & Container Caps (15.5%)
3.Plastic Bags (11.18%)
4.Straws and Stirrers (8.13%)
5.Beverage Bottles (7.27%)
6.Takeout Containers (6.27%)

What country puts most plastic in ocean?

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

You can see that China and Indonesia are the top sources of plastic bottles, bags and other rubbish clogging up global sea lanes. Together, both nations account for more than a third of plastic detritus in global waters. 

How many marine animals die from plastic?

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

Marine life is suffering irreparable damage from the chemical pollution of the waters and the millions of tons of dangerous waste dumped in the oceans each year. The result is a planetary crisis with over 100 million marine animal’s lives get lost every year, and the decay of the ocean's ecosystem.

* 100 million marine animals die each year from plastic waste we should on it. 

* 100,000 marine animals die from getting entangled in plastic yearly – this is just the creatures we find!

* 1 in 3 marine mammal species get found entangled in litter, 12-14,000 tons of plastic are ingested by North Pacific fish yearly. 

* In the last 10 years, we’ve made more plastic than the last century. By 2050, the pollution of fish will be outnumbered by our dumped plastic. 

China is top 1 position for mismanaged waste and plastics and damage our world. And the US is in the top 20.

Plastic Bag Free Day Celebration with beautifull Quotes

environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

"Plastic pollution free world is not a choice but a commitment to life - a commitment to the next generation"

"Plastic free living is a habit. If we love trees, flowers, and humanity, we must cultivate that"

"Our commitment to the next generation is toxic chemical free world - not just plastic pollution free world but also nuclear weapons free world.
Great things happen through great commitments."
Always love your family because your all family members are so sweet. 

"Everyday we can make the world a better place to live, just by not using the plastic bags"

"We need to live not just for ourselves, but for the whole humanity, for the trees, birds and all the living beings. Plastic pollution free living is the easiest way to make that successful"

"If we say no to plastic bags, it will save millions of people down the line"

"The mother earth has already buzzed the alarm of danger to her son, the human by refusing plastic in the form of global warming"

"Plastic is the most destructive weapon than a nuclear bomb or an atom bomb, its impact shall remain for centuries on the future generation"

You can make your Plastics bag free day with taking a pledge to not to use Plastic and encourage people for not using Plastics

You can aware your society regarding the harmful uses of Plastics and how Plastic is dangerous for us. 

Steps to make your Plastic Bag Free Day 

*Just say no – even if it is “free

*Bring your own bags

*Reuse a strong plastic bag

*Clothe bags – sew your own or buy one from an NGO you support, like WWF

*Reusable clothe bags for fruit and veg now widely available from small producers and large retailers alike

*Weighing your fruit and veg at a shop – just put the price sticker right on the product, bag-free

*Bring a woven or clothe basket

*Cardboard boxes and collapsible crates

*Don’t have any of these options? Make your own, and maybe decorate them with your kids or grandkids as a crafts project. 

There are a lot of good ways to celebrate, and the easiest requires a simple resolution on your part. Even if just for one day, choose paper over plastic, or even better bring your own bags to the retailers to pick up your goods. Some stores even offer discounts or other perks for the customers that bring their own! If you own a store yourself, start a program to encourage your customers to bring in their own reusable containers and stop offering plastic bags as an option.
environmental security and plastic waste pollution- plastic environmental waste pollution facts and figures of the world

In the last and conclusion time we have to take a decesion Plastic is becoming day by day very dangerous for human, animals, Birds, water mammals, insects, environment, sky, Ozone, forests and nature etc. Anyone can not think and take decesion for living the Plastics but only humans have great mind and humans can take great decesion to remove Plastics from this Earth. 
Thanks to read this and implement in your life. 

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